
Welcome to the Ron and Tom blog. Here you will learn about new and upcoming events. You will also be able to take quick polls, read shout outs, and posts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Shoutouts

ok brianna and i would like to give a few shoutouts. first is our parents who supported us the whole way through this. next is for our friends megan and stephanie in the followers section who also support us and give us ideas to make things better. then we have our grandparents and their large amounts of donation money to help ron and tom get a head start. i kayla would like to give a shoutout to my digital photography and art teacher mr.miles who is also following us. keep up the good work people that i mentioned, and for those of you not yet mentioned, comment and let us know you actually exist! the last and final shoutouts before we go are for our friends jessica holly and nick and our brothers kyle and daniel.
from kayla and brianna

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