
Welcome to the Ron and Tom blog. Here you will learn about new and upcoming events. You will also be able to take quick polls, read shout outs, and posts.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's up bloggers?

hey fans of ron and tom.
   sorry there haven't been many posts lately. BUT, now that school is almost out, we can update you with all kinds of facts. warning. incoming message:

special shoutout to my aunt's boyfriend CHRIS! hey chris!

also, i just want you to know that i want to be a director when i grow up and am going to make a mini movie. so do you fans have any ideas or factors i should put in?

also shoutouts to my friend:

  • Nathan                                                   :)
  • Laurie
  • chris c.
  • elias
  • justin                                                       :)
  • avalon (has posted an idea)                      :)
  • emily                                                        :)
  • kyle a                                                        :)
  • nick                                                           :)
  • abby
  • diego
  • andrew
  • anique                                                        :)
  • kevin                                                         :)
  • tara                                                            :)
  • luke                                                           :)
so once again, movie ideas and comments. thanks a bunch you guys!


p.s smiley by bff's


  1. yeah! go friends! nathan you are such a great friend and you rock! nick thanks to 9 years of friendship! kyle,avalon,emily, anique i couldn't imagine life without you guys! justin i look foreward to seeing you an abby everyday because you are a great friend! kevin, tara, and luke you are the best neighbors ever! elias, chris you know how to make me smile. diego, you are so boss at everything. laurie i think you are an amazing actor!

    thanks guys for support with like everything. i would die without you all! also thanks to our parents and family for ENDLESS support. hope to see you guys soon!

  2. nick. its true. you are soooo awesome. you too brianna! keep up the awesomeness. YEAH! fight the powah!(power...fist pumpin!)
