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Sunday, May 22, 2011

What is Ron and Tom©?

Here at Ron and Tom©, we have been getting one question, What is Ron and Tom©? Ron and Tom© is mainly a bunch of  comics. We are doing a lot of side stuff, but it's nothing like the comic. It all started as a trick. No, I didn't write this wrong, it's correct. It all started as a stupid trick. Kayla and I made up fake boyfriends and every time our other friends would ask if they could meet them, we made something happen to them. Almost all of the things that happen to Ron and Tom in the comics, happened to our fake boyfriends, Ron and Tom. Kayla was fake dating Ron and I (Brianna) was fake dating Tom. 


  1. I love Ron and Tom. I've looked at your website, roanandtom.yolasite.com. Love it. I'm totally going to buy stuff once it's up.

  2. i think brianna got the url wrong. the url is ronandtom.yolasite.com. she put roanandtom.yolasite.com, thats wrong.
