
Welcome to the Ron and Tom blog. Here you will learn about new and upcoming events. You will also be able to take quick polls, read shout outs, and posts.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What's New With Ron And Tom©?

we have many new thing coming out for u guys like comics and books and movies and minisodes,but the best thing by far is probably our products. we will soon be coming out with custom made shirts,socks,hats,bags,dog bowls,plates,cups,bowls and soooooo much more.all of which are made by yours truly, kayla and brianna. be on the lookout for the ron and tom movie soon to be in this blog or youtube.
but don't search for it yet. when everything is set we will let u guys know. if u wanna get a glimpse of the creators friends family or the creators in person look for people with ron and tom shirts with the link on the back. well bye 4 now people. c u l8r!
from Kayla ;)

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