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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Wishes

Christmas wishes to all of our fans. As a present to all of you, five lucky winners of this contest will get two Ron and Tom© comics. One Christmas comic and one regular comic.

What are your top ten Christmas traditions? Write them down and email them to us using the contest's entry form.

The contest entry form is shown below:


1 )___________________________________
2 )___________________________________
3 )___________________________________
4 )___________________________________
5 )___________________________________
6 )___________________________________
7 )___________________________________
8 )___________________________________
9 )___________________________________
10 )___________________________________

Please note that if you win, we will ask for your address. You address will not be shared, sold, or used for purposes besides sending you your comic issue. Thank you!

~Brianna and Kayla
  Creators of Ron and Tom©

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