
Welcome to the Ron and Tom blog. Here you will learn about new and upcoming events. You will also be able to take quick polls, read shout outs, and posts.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Quick Reminder

Hey guys, quick reminder. Don't forget to email us at fieryballsband@gmail.com. We love to here what you like about us, our blog, and well... just anything. Even if it have nothing to do with Ron and Tom. it's just nice to know you guys like to email us. Just email us, please, we'd love to here from you.

~ Brianna and Kayla

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's up bloggers?

hey fans of ron and tom.
   sorry there haven't been many posts lately. BUT, now that school is almost out, we can update you with all kinds of facts. warning. incoming message:

special shoutout to my aunt's boyfriend CHRIS! hey chris!

also, i just want you to know that i want to be a director when i grow up and am going to make a mini movie. so do you fans have any ideas or factors i should put in?

also shoutouts to my friend:

  • Nathan                                                   :)
  • Laurie
  • chris c.
  • elias
  • justin                                                       :)
  • avalon (has posted an idea)                      :)
  • emily                                                        :)
  • kyle a                                                        :)
  • nick                                                           :)
  • abby
  • diego
  • andrew
  • anique                                                        :)
  • kevin                                                         :)
  • tara                                                            :)
  • luke                                                           :)
so once again, movie ideas and comments. thanks a bunch you guys!


p.s smiley by bff's

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We've completed the drawing. The winners of the newest Ron and Tom© contest are, Brett Miles and Megan. Congrats on winning.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Ron and Tom! Hope you have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. As a gift, Ron and Tom will give two of our followers a free comic. The comic will  be the fisrt in the series. Thanks to all of our followers who helped make this Christmas amazing for us.

~Brianna and Kayla
  Ron and Tom© Creators

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Wishes

Christmas wishes to all of our fans. As a present to all of you, five lucky winners of this contest will get two Ron and Tom© comics. One Christmas comic and one regular comic.

What are your top ten Christmas traditions? Write them down and email them to us using the contest's entry form.

The contest entry form is shown below:


1 )___________________________________
2 )___________________________________
3 )___________________________________
4 )___________________________________
5 )___________________________________
6 )___________________________________
7 )___________________________________
8 )___________________________________
9 )___________________________________
10 )___________________________________

Please note that if you win, we will ask for your address. You address will not be shared, sold, or used for purposes besides sending you your comic issue. Thank you!

~Brianna and Kayla
  Creators of Ron and Tom©

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thank You

i just want to thankl everybody who looks at this site because we now have 507pageviews.
ron and tom would not be possible without you guys.
if you help us get to 1000 page views, we will make another cool site for you guys to look at comics!
once again thank you!
   from kayla and brianna :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Important Question

Here is an important question. It will determine how much you know about Ron and Tom©. To answer, post a comment with what you think is the answer.

What happened to Ron, Tom, Johnny, and Jennifer's dad?
         a) he died in a car crash
         b) he is in the army
         c) he robbed  a bank and went to prison
         d) he is in a mental institute

Please comment/answer this ASAP.
Thank you!

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Over! : ( Plus it's just Begun! : )

The Ron and Tom© Halloween contest is sadly over. Even worse, the only person who entered was Brianna (Ron and Tom© creator). But who really cares.

We will be holding another contest. It will last until the end of next week. This time to get a chance at winning, you need to answer these three questions:
1. True or False. Ron and Tom's dad died in a car crash. 
2. True or false. Ron has a girlfriend.
3. What is Jennifer's soul purpose in life?
            a) Dress up dolls
            b) Play with puppies
            c) Punch babies (If you think this one you are a total nut job!)
            d) Destroy Ron and Tom both mentally and physically

The first place winner of the contest will get animated into a Ron and Tom comic with two runner-ups. First place winner will also be put into a blog post and be put onto our Shoutouts page.

Thank you for reading this post. We really appreciate it.

~ Brianna and Kayla
   Creators of  Ron and Tom©